Cold Water Splashed on my Face

My visits at the Fred Hutch cancer center have begun. Two long days in the books. All seemed fine until we received my initial set of blood tests. They showed my liver is not happy. Meaning, it seems inflamed. For what reason we do not know. The working theory is that the medication I have been taking to keep my CLL in check has now become toxic to me. Therefore I have stopped that medication and will have daily blood tests to see if these abnormal liver tests will come back down to normal. The issue is that, given this abnormality the team here would not be able to proceed with my bone marrow transplant. The team is hopeful and are scheduling all my appointments and tests as a “go,” As I am tested over this weekend we hope to see some resolution. Suffice it to say, Sharon and I are already anxious and in the words of Rosanne Rosannadanna, it is always something.

We are enjoying the relatively balmy weather here in Seattle and have been able to take nice walks every day. It helps to take our minds off the obvious.

We hope you are well. More to come.

Larry and Sharon