Day +101 / 6 bottles

The bottle countdown is back on. Heading toward an end of the week have a beer day.

A pretty laid back Sunday today. We took our usual walk. I had my usual nap. In between I started packing. It is interesting that on planning to arrive in Seattle, packing was more difficult as I needed to choose what to bring. Turned out, way too much stuff. For packing on the way back, all I need is mostly to empty drawers and fit everything into boxes to ship, which will be done this Thursday, and items to check or carry on the plane on Saturday.

We had visitors today as Phillip and his family paid us a visit. Luckily, I woke up from my nap in time to see everybody.

As I have noted, tomorrow is a day for lab testing, and a treatment for my osteoporosis. And then more packing.

Larry and Sharon