Day +59 / 41 bottles

A bit of a surprise today as when I arrived at my Magnesium infusion appointment they decided to check my labs before the infusion. That took an extra hour of time, but it turned out I did not need as much Magnesium as they had been giving me. Although my kidney function still showed that I am a bit on the dry/dehydrated side, so they pumped me up with an hour of IV saline.

It was good that the weather stayed reasonably cool today so after clinic in the early afternoon we did get out for our 2-mile walk. And a good walk it was, with a pace under a 25-minute mile. Although I have only been riding the stationary bike for 3-days now I think that is helping build my cardio endurance. Of course, using Oxygen does not hurt at all either.

Today on our walk we passed a fellow who was obviously disabled in a wheelchair being pushed by a caregiver or family member, and on our way back the caregiver said to us, so this is how it is going to look when we live on Mars, referring to my nasal Oxygen hose and my rolling tank. I guess when we are out, those of us who share some challenges see each other more than those who do not.

For my scorecard today, here are the stats. Hct/Hb: 10.7/33, WBC: 3.77, Platelets: 125,000, ANC: 1,550, Blood sugar:109 now approaching normal again as I am tapering my prednisone, Kidney BUN: 21, KIdney Creatinine: 1.42, total steps: 7,900, total walking miles: 3.25, 30-minute indoor stationary bike burned 201 calories – of which Sharon is preparing a delicious dinner for me.

We look forward to a good week ahead. Hope the same for you and again thanks for your support.

Larry and Sharon