Day +91 / 9 bottles

So, I have a conceptual problem. Counting up from the day of my transplant is not a problem as I can just keep adding days since transplant. My bottle countdown is my problem as I will hit zero bottles a few days ahead of when we will travel home. I am considering following a NASA protocol of building a few holds into the countdown. And of course getting the official go-no go sign once we are set for liftoff.

We had a good day today in the clinic. My labs are settling in. My liver functions are good so I can back off on some of my liver protective meds. My kidneys are still a bit squeezed and the hope is as I decrease some of my meds that protect me against GVHD my kidney functions will ease toward normal. I continue to have anemia, Hb/Hct 10/33 and the hope is down the road this will improve. My platelets have been stable and my WBC counts are still a bit low. Final bone marrow reports are in and I have no evidence of my CLL/SLL. All in all, we continue to be cleared for our return home. There is some concern from my DEXA scan and the suggestion is additional Calcium supplements and a bisphosphonate infusion. I will see the oral health team next week to see if I am cleared for that.

We are confident in our follow up care in Sacramento and the support that Fred Hutch will provide in watching over us. Given the Labor Day weekend we have a few days off from clinic visits. Next set of lab testing will be on Monday. Enjoy your holiday weekend.

Larry and Sharon