Day +56 / 44 bottles

Counting up, counting down. All good. Pretty much same routine today although I am becoming more active. IV Magnesium infusion, followed by my doctor team visit. Some minor adjustments made in my medications today, as is becoming the norm here from week to week.

My scorecard today is good. Regarding my blood counts, Hb/HCT: 11.5/35, total WBC: 3.25, Platelets: 164,000, ANC: 1,460. My blood sugar continues to be a bit elevated due to the Prednisone and tomorrow I will again taper it to a lower dose. Assuming my lungs do not rebound into more coughing we will keep on this schedule. My renal functions are also a bit elevated, as they have been pretty much throughout the course of this process, and I am told nothing to worry about at present.

My movement today may be best ever since Day -5 of the transplant process. Total steps so far today 9,400 and total miles 3.8. During our 2-mile walk today I even clocked in at just less than a 25-minute mile. Definitely moving. Sharon makes sure with my Oxygen wheel cart and my still somewhat impaired hearing that I am safe on the walking path.

And maybe even more confidence building is that my team approved my request today to begin visiting our workout room in this apartment building. I can ride the upright bike, assuming nobody else is in the room, and can launch my remote Peloton program to begin with perhaps 10-15 minute spin classes. I hope to begin that tomorrow.

The weather is heating up here, although nothing like the rest of the country. Hope you are well.

Larry and Sharon