Day +57 / 43 bottles

A good day today. New adventures, new activities. Same start to the day. IV Magnesium infusion. And then the fun began. From the clinic, Sharon and I ventured down the road to a wonderful coffee shop and had a coffee and great pastry. I am getting less worried about people on the street looking at me strangely. So here I was at the coffee shop, decorated in my pickle hat and sporting my oxygen:

We walked home via the lake and it was a beautiful morning.

After some rest, I made it to the next stage – that is getting on a stationary bike. Yes, I walked into the exercise room and rode the bike, easily, for 20-minutes. Movin’ on up for sure.

So my scorecard reads a bit different today, So far 6,700 steps, over 2.5 miles, along with an indoor cycle of 20 minutes, raising my heart rate and burning some calories. Which, based on Sharon’s skill in the kitchen I will recover from.

Hope you are well and cool.

Larry and Sharon