Day +60 / 40 bottles

Hi. A very active day here in Seattle today. Of course, a visit to the clinic to check my lab results – pretty much the same as I reported yesterday, although my after breakfast blood glucose was elevated again. And I received my IV Magnesium. Between visits we were able to visit with Phillip, and at the end of the day, we saw his family here at South Lake Union as one of their daughters, Zahava, is doing a summer camp program just a few blocks from where we are staying. That was great and with an extended walk this morning and visiting this afternoon I set a new workout record for my days since transplant.

My exercise scorecard today shows 10,900 steps and 4.5 miles. Within those miles, during our 2+ mile walk late this morning, I was moving at a 22:59 mile per hour pace. Best so far. I also rode the stationary bike today for 30-minutes, elevating my heart rate to 130 beats/minute. I just feel that the aerobic training is speeding up my pace. Sharon is warning me that I can’t get it all back in a day, and that is true.

Here is another milestone. For those who have Apple watches they can set exercise and move goals. The move goals are essentially calorie expenditures during a day’s activity. My move goal has not changed in years, set as 500 cals/day. For the first time since we arrived in Seattle and started the transplant process I have not surpassed that. Today I did at 550 calories expended.

To celebrate Sharon ordered out Thai Vegan. I really built up an appetite and it was delicious. We also met with our nutritional consultant today who suggested my calorie intake is better although I need more Calcium and protein. Break out the nuts and trail mix.

So we march ahead counting up and counting down.

Larry and Sharon

Day +59 / 41 bottles

A bit of a surprise today as when I arrived at my Magnesium infusion appointment they decided to check my labs before the infusion. That took an extra hour of time, but it turned out I did not need as much Magnesium as they had been giving me. Although my kidney function still showed that I am a bit on the dry/dehydrated side, so they pumped me up with an hour of IV saline.

It was good that the weather stayed reasonably cool today so after clinic in the early afternoon we did get out for our 2-mile walk. And a good walk it was, with a pace under a 25-minute mile. Although I have only been riding the stationary bike for 3-days now I think that is helping build my cardio endurance. Of course, using Oxygen does not hurt at all either.

Today on our walk we passed a fellow who was obviously disabled in a wheelchair being pushed by a caregiver or family member, and on our way back the caregiver said to us, so this is how it is going to look when we live on Mars, referring to my nasal Oxygen hose and my rolling tank. I guess when we are out, those of us who share some challenges see each other more than those who do not.

For my scorecard today, here are the stats. Hct/Hb: 10.7/33, WBC: 3.77, Platelets: 125,000, ANC: 1,550, Blood sugar:109 now approaching normal again as I am tapering my prednisone, Kidney BUN: 21, KIdney Creatinine: 1.42, total steps: 7,900, total walking miles: 3.25, 30-minute indoor stationary bike burned 201 calories – of which Sharon is preparing a delicious dinner for me.

We look forward to a good week ahead. Hope the same for you and again thanks for your support.

Larry and Sharon

Day +58 / 42 bottles

A bit of slow start today. Perhaps resting on Shabbat as I did not have to be at the infusion clinic until just before 11am. A relatively efficient visit today I was out at 12:15. Walked the half-mile back to our apartment, resdressed, added sunscreen and went out for a 2-mile walk.

When we returned, Sharon cooked me a real comfort food lunch, scrambled eggs with fried salami and cheddar cheese. I know, not Kosher, however delicious. It seems my taste is coming back a bit. For a while, everything seemed to taste too salty. So I am eating better

Again, I visited our workout room and rode the upright stationary bicycle for about 25-minutes. Nothing terribly intense as I am using our Peloton program for some guidance and for “cool down” listening to some of my go to workout tunes. Scorecard to exercise today is 8,500 steps, 3.3 miles and my indoor cycle.

Tomorrow will be more of the same and on Monday I will have my blood tests and can report on that. And yes, my oxygen continues to be my constant companion.

Larry and Sharon

Day +57 / 43 bottles

A good day today. New adventures, new activities. Same start to the day. IV Magnesium infusion. And then the fun began. From the clinic, Sharon and I ventured down the road to a wonderful coffee shop and had a coffee and great pastry. I am getting less worried about people on the street looking at me strangely. So here I was at the coffee shop, decorated in my pickle hat and sporting my oxygen:

We walked home via the lake and it was a beautiful morning.

After some rest, I made it to the next stage – that is getting on a stationary bike. Yes, I walked into the exercise room and rode the bike, easily, for 20-minutes. Movin’ on up for sure.

So my scorecard reads a bit different today, So far 6,700 steps, over 2.5 miles, along with an indoor cycle of 20 minutes, raising my heart rate and burning some calories. Which, based on Sharon’s skill in the kitchen I will recover from.

Hope you are well and cool.

Larry and Sharon

Day +56 / 44 bottles

Counting up, counting down. All good. Pretty much same routine today although I am becoming more active. IV Magnesium infusion, followed by my doctor team visit. Some minor adjustments made in my medications today, as is becoming the norm here from week to week.

My scorecard today is good. Regarding my blood counts, Hb/HCT: 11.5/35, total WBC: 3.25, Platelets: 164,000, ANC: 1,460. My blood sugar continues to be a bit elevated due to the Prednisone and tomorrow I will again taper it to a lower dose. Assuming my lungs do not rebound into more coughing we will keep on this schedule. My renal functions are also a bit elevated, as they have been pretty much throughout the course of this process, and I am told nothing to worry about at present.

My movement today may be best ever since Day -5 of the transplant process. Total steps so far today 9,400 and total miles 3.8. During our 2-mile walk today I even clocked in at just less than a 25-minute mile. Definitely moving. Sharon makes sure with my Oxygen wheel cart and my still somewhat impaired hearing that I am safe on the walking path.

And maybe even more confidence building is that my team approved my request today to begin visiting our workout room in this apartment building. I can ride the upright bike, assuming nobody else is in the room, and can launch my remote Peloton program to begin with perhaps 10-15 minute spin classes. I hope to begin that tomorrow.

The weather is heating up here, although nothing like the rest of the country. Hope you are well.

Larry and Sharon